Category Archives for Funding your business

Featured image: Debt Financing vs Equity Financing

Debt Financing vs Equity Financing: How Capital needs to be structured?

Are you curious about how a company will structure its capital? If so, you’re in the right place! Capital structure is one of the most critical aspects of organizational management that often gets overlooked. In…
Featured Image: why do Indian Startups fail

Reasons Why Do Indian Startups Fail

Some eight of ten new businesses fail within their first three years. Nine of ten venture-backed start-ups fail to generate meaningful returns. Venture capitalists turn down 99% of the pitches they see. The odds appear…

What is startup funding? Why do start up need funds?

WHAT IS STARTUP FUNDING? WHY DO START – UP’s NEED FUNDS? Understanding Start-ups Start-up is a company that’s in the initial stages ofbusiness. It’s founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a…
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