Increase customer footfall at stores
1. Footfall is defined as the number of people, or traffic, entering a store.
2.It is an important indicator of how successful a company’s marketing is at bringing customers into stores.
3. Understanding footfall also means you can work out other key metrics such as conversion rate and average transaction value
4. It can help you determine demand and staffing levels.

1. Does you Monitor the Customer flow with people counting ?
It is important to monitor the Customer flow with People counting. Some of the benefits are,

Determine in-store activity

Assess the impact, performance and success of marketing initiatives

Tailor staffing schedules according to footfall patterns

Improve store layout and ease customer navigation

Optimize store performance

Maximize sales potential

Improve peel off rates

Boost sales productivity and identify conversion rate profiles and patterns
2. Does you calculate average visit time with occupancy estimation?
· For all but the smallest stores, counting visits manually is virtually impossible.
3. Build Customer
Loyalty :

Repeat customers are the foundation of any successful business, so you should consider ways that you can encourage customer loyalty.
You can increase repeat business by offering discounts or incentives to returning customers.
For example, you might choose to offer a discount on a customer’s fifth or tenth purchase.
Loyalty schemes like this are particularly useful if you have direct competitors in the local area as they can help you stand out from the crowd.
4. Improve Presence on Local community:
5.Consider Your Offering:

6. Level up of Customer Service:
1. Finally, think about how reliant we all are on using online reviews to influence our buying decisions.
2. Just reading about someone else’s amazing experience can give that extra bit of social proof you need to buy one product over another one.
3. Our guide to increasing online reviews will help you create excitement, improve your search engine rankings, and
4. It ultimately increase footfall in your shop.