All posts by candbindia.

How To Increase Footfall In A Shopping Mall

As a consulting service provider, we understand the importance of presenting ourselves in a professional and attractive manner. That’s why we’ve put together this blog post with tips on how to increase customer footfall at…
Featured Image: why do Indian Startups fail

Reasons Why Do Indian Startups Fail

Some eight of ten new businesses fail within their first three years. Nine of ten venture-backed start-ups fail to generate meaningful returns. Venture capitalists turn down 99% of the pitches they see. The odds appear…

What is startup funding? Why do start up need funds?

WHAT IS STARTUP FUNDING? WHY DO START – UP’s NEED FUNDS? Understanding Start-ups Start-up is a company that’s in the initial stages ofbusiness. It’s founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a…
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